Why the Captains Council?

Why the Captains Council?

The term Launch is constantly used to describe the start of a business... but what do you do after launch?

Founding and operating a business is like

being Captain of a Rocket

The Captains Council is a CEO peer advisory group for navigating your Revenue Rocket to success.

You the business founder or operator,

are lovingly referenced as the Captain of your Rocket.

Hence the fun creatives representing your role in the website.

Think of your Council as a way to collaborate with other Captains

Become inspired by new ways they are hitting their growth objectives . . .

  • Receive support, insights, and feedback for increasing your revenue, security, and impact.

  • Overcome the unique challenges as a CEO in a safe, confidential group container.

  • Learn how to keep a competitive edge and adapt to changes with AI technology.

  • Set goals for achieving your main objectives at each Council meeting.

  • Gain accountability each month to hit your target goals and KPI’s.

The Captains Council believes strongly in operating on the following core values:

1. Self & Family:

Our community members believe in committing themselves to finding balance between running their business and maintaining their own health and the well being of their families and loved ones.

2. Faith:

We respect and celebrate the diverse religious beliefs of our community, while also upholding a shared commitment to kindness and compassion for all of God’s children.

3. Growth:

We are committed to continuous learning and improvement, both as individuals and as a community, in order to better serve our mission and values.

4. Integrity:

We hold ourselves to the highest standards of honesty, transparency, and ethical behavior, both individually and as a group.

5. Accountability:

We take responsibility for our actions and decisions, and hold ourselves and each other accountable for meeting our commitments.

6. Collaboration:

We work together as a team, valuing the unique contributions and perspectives of each member to achieve our shared goals.

Who started it?

The Admiral of the organization is Todd Westra.

He has spent his entire adult life launching and guiding businesses through many different growth objectives. The process of navigating the different Orbit of each business has made him a powerful influence on other operators trying to do the same thing!

While every business has their own unique set of growth challenges and objectives... Todd has found that there is a consistent process to determine the current orbit of a business and help create a strategy that will drive them to the objectives they had always hoped they could hit!

Learn more about Todd and his journey at toddwestra.com

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