Virtual Relationships just aren’t enough...

I know virtual is an effective way to meet more frequently... but nothing replaces in-person engagement and connection!

Virtual Relationships just aren’t enough...

I know it’s an effective way to meet more frequently... but nothing replaces in person engagement!

High performing leaders like us NEED to connect with others on a different level."

As members of the Captains Council, we bring you multiple ways to connect with each other on a very regular basis.

How It Works

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In Person Meetups and Events

For most of us... Virtual relationships just aren’t enough to satisfy our need for community. Check out the events tab in our community to see how you can get involved in our in person events!

They generally come in 3 types:


Many of us are social by nature. Join us as the Captains Council connects with our members in cities all over the world each month.


Unfortunately... running a business isn’t always fun and games. That being said, we try to make learning new skills and patterns of growth as much fun as we can! Council members are invited to attend as many of our workshops as they would like. CC has partnered with several different training groups to offer workshops that will help you learn how to unite your team behind your goals of growth and scaling.


Every leader needs to break away from the grind now and again. Try something new, connect with amazing leaders, fulfill a philanthropic mission, and experience opportunities to discover what makes you tick. Our adventure series is something you do NOT want to miss out on. Participation is limited... check out our calendar to see if there is an adventure designed for you!

In person Meetups and Events

For most of us... Virtual relationships just aren’t enough to satisfy our need for community. Check out the events tab in our community to see how you can get involved in our in person events!

They generally come in 3 flavors


Many of us are social by nature. Join us as the Captains Council connects with our members in cities all over the world each month.


Unfortunately... running a business isn’t always fun and games. That being said, we try to make learning new skills and patterns of growth as much fun as we can! Council members are invited to attend as many of our workshops as they would like. CC has partnered with several different training groups to offer workshops that will help you learn how to unite your team behind your goals of growth and scaling.


Every leader needs to break away from the grind now and again. Try something new, connect with amazing leaders, fulfill a philanthropic mission, and experience opportunities to discover what makes you tick. Our adventure series is something you do NOT want to miss out on. Participation is limited... check out our calendar to see if there is an adventure designed for you!

How It Works

Register for events

Show UP!

Give before receive

High performing leaders like us NEED to connect with others on a different level."

As members of the Captains Council, we bring you multiple ways to connect with each other on a very regular basis.

Bookmark the Events Page

and make sure to register for the activities you want to participate in

Bookmark the Events Page

and make sure to register for the activities you want to participate in

Participating with your Council is a real blessing for most of our members...

but engaging with the community at our in person events is definitely a major perk of being a member of the community.

Participating with your Council is a real blessing for most of our members...

but engaging with the community at our in person events is definitely a major perk of being a member of the community.

While there is a ton of value without attending our in person programs, you definitely miss amazing opportunities to strengthen connection between you and the members of your council and the global community.

While there is a ton of value without attending our in person programs, you definitely miss amazing opportunities to strengthen connection between you and the members of your council and the global community.

Copyright © 2023 - 2024 Captains Council, LLC All Rights Reserved.